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art of construction podcast

The Art of Construction Podcast

By Ashley Abernethy, Rise Marketing Lead
Last Updated: Dec 3, 2018

Healthy, energy efficient, durable...these are just some of the things that Rise Founder & CEO, Matt Daigle, and his wife Mallory, wanted for their home.

Matt and Mallory bought their first home together with an audacious goal of renovating the fixer-upper just in time for their first daughter to be born. Being married to an interior designer, Matt knew the house would be beautiful. But what he wasn’t expecting was for his utility bill to stay the same after all the renovations.

He started looking into a way that they could have their home reflect both their aesthetic values and styles, as well as their core values as a family. This became a pretty overwhelming task, and therefore the idea of Rise was born: to create a resource that can help people have a home that is true to family values and their pocketbook, while respecting the planet and being mindful of our future along the way.  

With the creation of Rise, not only do homeowners have a go-to resource to make their home more sustainable, but they also get connected to professionals in their area that share their same values. It’s a win for homeowners, and also a win for professionals who partake in the green building industry as they get to showcase their work and profile with their ideal audience.

Matt recently shared Rise’s origin story with Devon Tilly, the host of The Art of Construction, as well talked about how Rise helps professionals and homeowners to turn home improvement projects into sustainable projects.

The Art of Construction (AOC) provides marketing, communication, and sales to the building industry through the mediums of video, audio, webinars and live events.

Check out the full podcast episode here.

art of construction podcast devon tilly matt daigle
Disclaimer: This article does not constitute a product endorsement however Rise does reserve the right to recommend relevant products based on the articles content to provide a more comprehensive experience for the reader.Last Modified: 2018-12-03T20:38:42+0000
Ashley Abernethy

Article by:

Ashley Abernethy

Ashley is a focused, enthusiastic leader with expertise in sales management, digital marketing, and strategic planning. She doesn't want to protect the environment - she wants to create a world where the environment doesn't need protecting.