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Nebia Meet the Shower Head that's here to shower you in money

Is the Nebia Shower Spa Worth It?

By Rise,
Last Updated: Jun 29, 2021

Nebia Spa Shower 2.0, the long-awaited shower head changing the way we clean ourselves, is shipping. It's just in time for the holidays, and we are pretty excited about it.

For the most part, the shower fixture industry in North America had remained unchanged since 1992, when water flow restrictions were imposed to reduce water usage. But since then, there have been no real breakthroughs in how water is used within a shower. At this time, we began to see the emergence of high-efficiency and low-flow showerheads. We came to accept that the shower heads on the store shelves were as efficient as possible without sacrificing the shower experience.

What Is Nebia?

For those not familiar with Nebia, this company and product surfaced on Kickstarter in 2015. The Nebia Spa Shower 2.0 design engineers previously worked at NASA, Tesla, and Apple, and the company is backed by Tim Cook, Eric Schmidt, and Y Combinator. During their 2019 Kickstarter campaign, they received support from 4,690 backers, raising a combined total of over $5 million in 2015 and 2019.

The spa shower brings an entirely new meaning to the showering experience by using nozzles that atomize water. This results in a cloud-like experience that ends up using 65% less water than a standard showerhead. So what does a product like this mean for you? It means you’ll not only be experiencing a completely different way to shower, but you’ll be saving a lot of money in the process and for years to come.

Does The Nebia Shower Spa Save Me Money?

Depending on your household use and your heating and water rates - you can pay this off in less than two years with the savings you’ll experience. In some parts of the US, you’ll pay it off in less than a year - and that could be even less if you have more than two occupants and higher rates. To put that into perspective, an electricity-powered household in New York City with two ten-minute showers per day will save $670 in one year using a single $499 shower head.

How Much Does a Nebia Shower Spa Cost?

The Nebia Spa Shower 2.0 is priced at $499 and is incredibly well-positioned compared to other shower spa panels. Another variant, Nebia by Moen, is priced at $199 for the Rainshower or $269 for a combo that includes a handheld wand. While Nebia's Spa Shower 2.0 is still new, it is unquestionable that its technology will be reproduced by other large suppliers of showerheads and bathroom fixtures. You can expect to see a lot more of these types of shower heads in years to come.

Disclaimer: This article does not constitute a product endorsement however Rise does reserve the right to recommend relevant products based on the articles content to provide a more comprehensive experience for the reader.Last Modified: 2021-06-29T12:50:43+0000

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