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What Is Naturally Durable Wood?
Naturally durable wood comes from tree species with inherent properties to resist decay caused by water, fungus, molds, or insects. Wood moisture content between 20-30% is prime for fungi to colonize. Fungi prefer temperatures between 21°C and 32°C to grow. Once fungi are established, insects and termites start to move in. Certain species of trees have evolved complex and efficient chemical defense systems to increase their resilience to these threats. Species of wood that exhibit natural durability to water, fungus, molds, and insects will vary in their ability in each specific defense.
Below, we take a look at some quick facts for each of these species.
Black Cherry (Prunus Serotine)
- Range – Eastern US and Canada
- Growth Rate: Fast growing, pioneer species
- Decay Resistance: Sapwood - Moderate. Heartwood – Very High
- Sustainability: IUCN's red list of threatened species ranks this as a species of least concern. All around a very sustainable option.
- Notes: Straight-grained, stable, and machines well
- Common Uses: Furniture, veneer, and trim, flooring and deck planking, cabinets.
Black Locust (R. Pseudoacacia) and Honey Locust (G. Triacanthos)
- Range: Eastern and the Central US
- Growth Rate: Fast growing pioneer species
- Decay Resistance: Black locust sapwood - high. Black locust heartwood – very high; Honey locust sapwood – moderate. Honey Locust heartwood - moderate.
- Sustainability: IUCN lists as a species of least concern.
- Notes: These hardwoods are not widely available as sawn timber. Typically found as rounded fence posts. Honey locust is easier to machine than honey locust.
- Notes: These hardwoods are not widely available as sawn timber. Typically found as rounded fence posts. Honey locust is more accessible to machine than honey locust.
- Common Uses: Fence and decking posts
Black Walnut (Juglans Nigra)
- Range: Eastern US
- Decay Resistance: Sapwood - Moderate. Heartwood - Very high. Susceptible to insect attack.
- Sustainability: Not listed by IUCN
- Decay Resistance: Very high
- Notes: An expensive, premium hardwood
- Common Uses: Furniture, cabinetry
Baldcypress (Taxodium Distichum)
- Range: Southeastern US
- Growth Rate: Moderately Fast
- Decay Resistance: Sapwood - moderate. Heartwood - high to very high
- Sustainability: IUCN lists as a species of least concern.
- Notes: Great workability and accepts finishes well
- Common Uses: Siding, furniture, trim, veneer, docks
Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus Virginiana)
- Range: Eastern US and Canada
- Growth Rate: Medium
- Decay Resistance: Sapwood - moderate. Heartwood – Very high
- Sustainability: IUCN lists as a species of least concern.
- Notes: Highly aromatic – often called aromatic red cedar. Widely available
- Common Uses: Furniture, fence posts, birdhouses, trim
Red Mulberry (Morus Rubra)
- Range: Eastern US
- Growth Rate: Fast
- Decay Resistance: Sapwood - Moderate. Heartwood - Very high
- Sustainability: Not listed by IUCN
- Notes: Not commonly found as sawn timber
- Common Uses: Fence posts, furniture
Southern Yellow Pine (Pinus Palustris)
- Range: Southeastern US
- Growth Rate: Fast
- Decay Resistance: Low. Heartwood - Moderate
- Sustainability: Listed as vulnerable on the IUCN red list due to a population reduction of over 20% in the past three generations. This was caused by overexploitation and a decline in its natural range. The old-growth trees of this species were largely cut and replaced by plantations of loblolly and slash pine across the southeastern US.
- Notes: Due to being on the IUCN red list, this species is best avoided for now.
- Common Uses: Fence posts, decking, structural members
White Oaks –True White Oak (Quercus alba) and Bur Oak (Quercus Macrocarpa)
- Range – Eastern and Central US and Southeastern Canada
- Growth Rate: Slow to medium
- Decay Resistance – Sapwood – High. Heartwood – very high
- Sustainability: Not listed by IUCN. All around a very sustainable option due to higher resistance in the sapwood.
- Notes: A heavy and strong wood type. Exhibits moderate to high shrinkage during drying but stable after drying. It can react with iron, potentially causing discoloration similar to Western Red Cedar. Moisture is not quickly absorbed by its end grain. Widely available
- Common Uses: Windows, doors, fine furniture, wood flooring, structural members
Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga Menziesii)
- Range: The western US and Canada
- Growth Rate: Medium
- Decay Resistance: Sapwood - Moderate. Heartwood – Moderate to high
- Sustainability: IUCN lists as a species of least concern. All around a very sustainable option if it is from second-growth logging. However, old-growth Douglas fir is still being logged in British Columbia.
- Notes: Strong mechanical properties. Standard construction lumber is often labeled as "Fir/Larch."
- Common Uses: All outdoor needs, structural lumber.
Redwood (Sequoia Sempervirens)
- Range: Northern California, Southern Oregon
- Growth Rate: Fast
- Decay Resistance: Sapwood - Moderate to high. Heartwood – High to very high. Second growth is moderate to high.
- Sustainability: Listed as vulnerable on the IUCN red list due to a population reduction of 40% in the past three generations caused by over exploitation and a decline in its natural range.
- Notes: More expensive wood type due to historic overharvesting. This continues to be a very common wood used for exterior applications. The fast growth of the species and the fact that all of the current redwood harvested is second-growth improves its sustainability rating but it is still listed by IUCN and is best avoided if there are other wood species available. Not prone to shrinkage and warping. Exterior applications require very little maintenance beyond sealing every 3-5 years.
- Common Uses: Furniture, decking, veneers, trim
Western Red Cedar (Thuja Plicata)
- Range – Pacific Northwest Region from California to Alaska, including British Columbia.
- Growth Rate: Slow to medium
- Decay Resistance: Sapwood – moderate. Heartwood – very high.
- Sustainability: IUCN lists as a species of least concern. However, old-growth western red cedar is still being harvested in coastal British Columbia and Alaska. FSC-certified lumber will help ensure you are not supporting old-growth logging. Red cedar does not regenerate as fast as redwood and can live to be 1000 years old.
- Notes: A soft and lightweight wood with weaker mechanical properties than most species. If it's painted, use a stain-blocking oil primer so that the resins don't bleed through the paint. Tannins in cedar can stain fasteners, so use stainless steel, galvanized, or aluminum. Cedar tends to be a stable wood with straight grain. Western red cedar is widely available but expensive.
- Common Uses: Siding, shingles, trim, furniture, deck planking, fencing, aesthetic members.
Western Juniper (Juniperus Occidentalis)
- Range: Western US
- Growth Rate: Medium to fast
- Decay Resistance: Sapwood - High. Heartwood - Very High.
- Sustainability: IUCN lists as a species of least concern.
- Notes: Not a standard sawn lumber. Species have become widespread due to fire suppression. They are commonly cut down for fire fuel reduction treatment but not always processed for lumber.
- Common Uses: Fence posts, trim.
Western Larch (Larix Occidentalis) and Eastern Larch (Larix Laricina)
- Range: The two species have distinct ranges, but together they cover the majority of Canada and the northern US
- Growth Rate: Fast
- Decay Resistance: Sapwood – Moderate. Heartwood – Moderate to high
- Sustainability: IUCN lists as a species of least concern. All around a very sustainable option.
- Notes: Strong mechanical properties. Typical construction lumber is often labeled as "Fir/Larch."
- Common Uses: All outdoor needs, structural lumber.
What Are Some Tips For Installing Wood Outdoors?
Wood will last longer if you can limit ground contact and minimize pooling water. Wood that touches soil will degrade faster than wood that is above ground. To minimize pooling water, slightly slope the topside of the wood for water drainage – a flat surface will collect water. Any wood product outdoors will last much longer with a roof over it, so a deck with an awning will last much longer than a deck without cover. If you plan to make outdoor furniture, shelter it, if possible, and bring it inside during the winter.
Where Can You Buy Naturally Durable Wood?
Start by looking into species that are more local to you. Some species are more common than others. The best places for local lumber are neighborhood lumberyards or small private operations that selectively log their own property and mill their own boards. Because old-growth heartwood is so challenging to come by these days, you might have luck sourcing reclaimed wood from old structures being torn down.
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How Long Does Wood Last Outside?
Durability will vary widely by species used, your application, and your local environmental conditions. There are wooden structures that are hundreds of years old still standing and structurally sound all over the world. The key is maintenance and allowing the wood to dry out. You can expect to get 50 years out of a properly maintained piece of wood for exterior applications, which is very similar to pressure-treated lumber. Expect much less if you don't plan to maintain it.
What Are The Pros Of Choosing Naturally Durable Wood?
- Renewable Resource - Trees can be grown indefinitely if the forest ecosystem remains resilient and healthy through sustainable forest management practices.
- Healthy and non-toxic – No added synthetic chemicals. Any finish applied is of your choosing.
- It doesn't have to end up in a landfill – Wood can be recycled or composted. Wood without synthetic chemical treatments is a biodegradable product.
- Aesthetically appealing – Take pride in your wood products. Maintain them, and show off the beauty!
What Are the Cons To Naturally Durable Wood?
- Sourcing can be trickier and pricier to source naturally durable species than non-durable species like pine and spruce. Species such as locusts, western juniper, or red mulberry are not commonly available commercially. If you have access to any species on this list, they might likely contain sapwood which is not as durable as heartwood. However, you can improve sapwood’s durability with surface treatments.
- Maintenance – Even with naturally durable species, you will want to maintain wood products to extend their lifespan. Care will involve applying surface treatments every 3-5 years to maximize the service life of the wood. Naturally durable wood species can last a considerable time with neglect. Still, long-term, you're better off keeping up with maintenance.
- High energy footprint for transportation – Wood is heavy. Choose local options as close to you as possible. Use the species native to your regions that have evolved chemical defenses to your local environmental conditions.
Tom Saxton
Based in Washington State, Tom's education focuses on holistic land management that sustainably grows renewable building materials in a way that replenishes natural systems. His interest is in building systems that combine old techniques and modern science.