Let's Build Better, Not Just on Earth Day. Everyday.

Mika Solway, Editor-In-Chief
Apr 22, 2021

Today is the 51st Earth Day. Last year, Rise wrote extensively about Earth Day's origins and offered ideas on celebrating it with your families and virtually. It is, undoubtedly, an important day. However, we strongly feel that prioritizing the environment at home is essential every day of the year, not just on April 22nd!

Start Small

Are you overwhelmed by all the advice about sustainable homes? Don't know where to start? My advice is to start small. You don't need to overhaul your entire house at once. And, you don't need to know everything right at the start - there is so much to learn! 

There is such an abundance of changes and improvements we could make; if you try to do it all, you might just stop where you started. At Rise, we want to meet you where you are. We don't want to make you feel distressed about all that you haven't done. Every little step takes you closer to a healthier home with a smaller impact on your wallet.

What Sustainable Home Improvement Projects Can You Start Today?

Many sustainable home improvements cost money and need lots of planning. Things like adding insulation to your attic to save on your heating bill, installing an HRV or ERV to improve your indoor air quality and health, or adding a rainwater harvesting system to reduce your water use. But luckily, some changes don't cost anything or need extensive planning. Consider options like:

Rise's Impact

Rise's Commitment

To create a better planet and future for all, we commit to giving back and look forward to growing our impact.

That's why we joined 1% for the Planet in 2019. As a member, we have committed to giving back one percent of sales, not profits. So, whether we're profitable or not, we're giving back to our planet. Not just on Earth Day. Every day. 

Article By: Mika Solway

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