Tobias Roberts
Grid-Connected Solar Panel
Photovoltaic (PV) systems produce electricity directly from sunlight. They produce no on-site pollutants or greenhouse gas emissions. PV systems are relatively simple to install, at any scale, from the smallest cabin to a large home. Grid-connected systems are tied to the electricity distribution network. Often, you can sell your surplus solar power to the grid on sunny days, and buy it back when it's not sunny. This trading process is often called "net metering" or "net billing." In some jurisdictions, you can sell all the solar power you generate directly to the grid, through a power purchase agreement at a price that is sometimes called a feed-in tariff. Power output is rated in kilowatts (kW), and a typical household can usually use between 5 and 15 kW, depending on how large the home is.
The most important factor is - do you have a place on your property where you can install solar panels with full, unshaded access to sunlight? The solar PV array should face approximately towards the equator, which is south if you are in the northern hemisphere, or north if you are in the southern hemisphere. East and west-facing can work all right, with reduced output, but a PV array should not be facing directly away from the equator. Avoid shadows from trees, buildings, and other obstacles. Shadows on any part of a solar PV array can reduce its output dramatically. Note that the shadows are taller and longer in winter. If there is doubt about the amount of shading at your proposed location, have a solar shading assessment done by a solar designer or installer, or measure the heights of the shading objects and estimate the lengths of the shadows yourself.
A simple, reliable source of renewable electricity that you can generate, emission-free and fuel-free, at your property. For most households, solar PV is the most feasible way to become a producer of renewable power. Solar PV modules use a widely available renewable energy source - the sun - and produce no emissions or noise. The energy took to make the solar PV system is paid back within a couple of years, and a good PV system will produce electricity for 25 years or more.
The amount of solar energy that shines on 2% of the area of the Sahara Desert in Northern Africa would produce more than enough to supply the total energy consumption of the human species. Even using today's existing solar technology, it could create more than what would be required. Just a little issue of getting the extension cord to run all the way there.